Friday 12 September 2014

Cyber smart

Use my brain use my heart I’m going to be cyber smart. Do you guys know what that means, it means you have to use your brain to drive to success and choose to believe. And use my heart means, use it for positive facts and make the most. And lucky last cyber smart means, think brain.     

You need to use your brain because if you get caught from doing bad stuff you will get sent out of school. For example if you're on a site and you think it is wrong, you have to stop and think before you go on that site. This is another example if you are on a bad site Mr Burt can see you on your history at all times.

You need to use your heart because if you write something not feeling nice that person will write something bad to you and you are the one who started it. For example if someone writes a bad letter to you you have to screenshot it and sent it to your teacher or principal and delete it off your gmail.

You need to be cyber smart because if you are in school and you big brother buys you lollies  before school you have to put it in your bag and wait until it is hometime then you can eat it. For example if you did something bad don’t try to delete it from your history just tell the truth to your teacher or principal.               

Now you know  what cyber smart means. It is your time to shine just like a star at doing your key competencies and cyber smart.

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