Tuesday 12 August 2014

tryathlon .

Give it a try - 2.2.00
File:2008 Olympic triathlon
REMEMBERING - What are the facts?
  1. What are the sports that are involved in a triathlon? It is Swimming, Biking, Running.

  1. Make a list of some things you need to do to be a champion: Run 2ks, Swim 200 metres, And bike 8ks.
UNDERSTANDING - Show that you understand the information
  1. Choose 1 word from the article that is new or interesting to you. Here are some suggestions but you can choose your own: tryathlon triathlon, cyclists, buoy,
          Write a sentence showing that you understand the meaning: Cyclists are very good at running
they can bike tenks.
APPLYING - Using what you read in the article  (B)
  1. Make a poster advertising the ‘Tryathlon’. You want to encourage kids to join in the competition! swim bike running.
ANALYSING - Organising information from the article  (B)
  1. Make an INFORMATION WEB about triathlon.  Summarise the information in this article about triathlon using the text and wikipedia to help you. INFORMATION WEB TEMPLATE title writing about the  title ending.
EVALUATING - Seeing both sides  (B)
  1. “Every kiwi kids should participate in the tryathlon”
Make a chart and list your reasons for agreeing and disagreeing with this statement. disagree.

I agree with this statement because……..
I disagree with this statement because……….

it is not good for kids.

  1. Give this story a rating out of 10 depending on how much you enjoyed it.  Write down a reason for giving the rating you did.
 Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 12.07.38 pm.png
Reason:I love this story.
CREATING - Coming up with new ideas   (B)
  1. Design the ‘ultimate’ triathlon clothing or  gear for a tryathlon team. Think of new and exciting ideas! We can call them the dinamit.

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