Saturday 16 April 2016

Being Kind To People At The Shop

Being kind to people at the shop.

Hi It’s me try and guess who I am, oh don’t be shy My name is Hendrix and when I do something KIND to a person I will write it down. It’s just like writing a diary but like write my life instead of draw my life so moving on to the act of kindness.

Once I was walking at the shop with my cousin I immediately stop because I saw a man with a dog the was homeless so then I reached into my pocket and grabbed out that ten$ and gave it all to that man. After I did this I said to myself hey I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to go back home and write about this and here I am.

Oh wait don’t go wet i’m going to tell you a story that my very old man told me today. He said “everyone is like a flower and pretend that water is Christ and we can’t live with Christ and a flower can’t live with water because it is going to die and if you just die by yourself that means that god calls you to come with him and if you get killed that means that your are not living with Christ. Hey and if a lawn mower comes and cut your flower and you die that means that you have did something wrong in your life and that is what I'm going to end you of with today AMEN.  Image result for kind

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